While in many Western countries the society is based on individualism, the Japanese culture is a different one. The typical Japanese is most comfortable if they feel that the other person is comfortable and pleased too. If you decide to date a Japanese man, you will have made a sound decision, for he is honest, respectful, polite, hard-working, and educated. His culture values the extended family and usually a man is considered the main provider for the family. They are shy and dating in a Western sense is somewhat new to Japan. If a man is genuinely interested in you, usually he expects the relationship to lead to a formal commitment like marriage.
Japan is an archipelago of 6852 islands located in Pacific Ocean in East Asia. The country is a major economic power with one of the largest economies in the world. A member of the G8, APEC, and many others, the "Land of the Rising Sun" has undergone periods of openness and isolation throughout its history, so Japanese culture is, if anything, unique but certainly in alignment with Western policy now. The primary language is Japanese and the two main religions are Buddhism and Shinto. Japan is heavily forested, mountainous country and has 108 active volcanoes. The climate varies widely from one region to another. Most parts of the country have four distinct seasons.
Browse by City:
Tokyo, Yokosuka, Osaka, Okinawa, Yokohama, Hamamatsu, Arida, Tochigi, Hekinan, Toyohashi, Hiroshima, Iwakuni, Matsuyama.